The costs associated with hiring workers, maintaining a safe workplace and complying with governmental regulation represents the largest ongoing cost for many companies. This is particularly true in California, where workers’ health care costs, expansion of employer liability and wage hikes continue to increase costs, limit flexibility and are unclear to both employers and employees. The NCCA encourages the business community to pro-actively address and seek reforms for policies that leave California at a competitive disadvantage in business attraction and retention year after year.
The NCCA Supports:
- Greater flexibility in work schedules for individual employees.
- The clarification and simplification of meal and rest period rules.
- Workers’ compensation laws that balance employer liabilities and provides fair benefits to injured workers.
- Continued monitoring of and support for reform that provides a balance between family care/medical leave and stable business operations.
- Improving the educational and vocational skills of employees to help them move up the economic ladder.
- Laws and government regulations written in plain, simple language for workplace rules to ensure that employers know how to comply with the law and that workers are clearly informed of their rights.
- The preparation of cost/benefit analyses to ensure economic impacts are weighed before the imposition of regulatory statutes.A fair and rational healthcare system for providing health insurance to all individuals while also containing healthcare costs for individuals and employers.
The NCCA Opposes:
- State and federal minimum wage increases and other mandates without sufficient justification.
- Laws and regulations that unfairly penalize employers.
- Efforts to establish the card check method of unionization that takes away employees’ access to a private ballot.