Policy Platform


This Policy Platform is adopted by the members of the Northern California Chamber Alliance (NCCA) to provide a basis for the NCCA to act on local, state and federal government issues and to support a vibrant business environment. The NCCA Board of Directors has authorized NCCA Executive Committee to approve, on behalf of the NCCA, any positions of “support,” “oppose,” or “no position” that align with this Policy Platform, subject to the Board of Directors’ approval or modification.


The NCCA develops its policies and practices based on the underlying principle that creating and promoting a collaborative pro-business environment at the state, regional, and local level will directly enhance private enterprise and quality of life. This foundation is essential to maintaining a vibrant market-based economy. In determining a position on proposed legislation and other public policy issues, the NCCA is guided by its mission to build a stronger local economy with emphasis on the following areas.

Promote a Pro-Business Environment:

  • Facilitate a market-based economy by supporting rational regulatory and tax policies, promoting incentives for business expansion and supporting the efficient operation of regulatory agencies.
  • Support infrastructure improvements related to energy, water, air, transportation and communications.
  • Promote workforce development by supporting training and education
  • Promote better access to civil courts.
  • Oppose state mandates that impose obligations on local agencies or businesses without providing the necessary resources to comply those obligations.
  • Reform legislation that would promote regulatory approaches or mandates that are not unduly punitive or costly as well as promote the region’s competitiveness for economic development and job creation.

Promote Government Reform:

  • Support the elimination or consolidation of duplication and overlapping agencies.
  • Promote improved communication and coordination between governing bodies.
  • Monitor planning, spending and the implementation and progress of government programs and infrastructure projects.

Maintain an Active and Visible Chamber Presence:

  • Keep governing bodies and decision makers on local, state and federal levels informed on important regional issues.
  • Build coalitions and coordinate community, business, and government support for important regional issues.
  • Regularly update members and create opportunities for their involvement and participation in the NCCA’s legislative activities.