Federal and State Positions

Federal and State Positions


The NCCA Supports:

  • AB 968 - addresses water use efficiency planning and implementation, based on anticipated amendments to the bill.
  • AB 1654 - enhances existing urban water management planning requirements and strengthen local water suppliers’ abilities to plan and prepare for future droughts.  
  • CalTrans’ efforts to fund and complete the UpState California RailConnect Feasibility Study supporting a new rail line connecting Humboldt Bay’s deepwater seaport with a national rail connection in the Sacramento Valley.
  • The utilization of Proposition 1 funds to initiate the Sykes dam project.

The NCCA Opposes:

  • AB 1668 and AB 1669  - The Brown Administrations Trailer Bill 801 in bill form that takes local control away from local water suppliers.


The NCCA Supports:

  • Funding from the Federal Highway Administration for the relocation of the “Last Chance Grade” on Highway 101 near Crescent City, CA.
  • Funding from Congress for the US Army Corps of Engineers to conduct the “Long-Term Shoal Management Study to determine a strategy to minimize winter shoaling at the entrance to Humboldt Bay’s deep water seaport.